Homework 3: Optimization in Neural Network¶
In this assignment, you will design and implement a deep neural network (DNN) to solve a binary classification problem. This task involves building a flexible DNN architecture where both the width (number of neurons per layer) and depth (number of layers) can be customized. Additionally, you will implement and test various advanced optimization algorithms to understand how they impact the training process and model performance, such as
- Momentum,
- RMSProp,
- Adam,
0 - Packages¶
Let's first import necessary libraries
- numpy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. tools for data mining and data analysis.
- matplotlib is a library for plotting graphs in Python.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
np.random.seed(1) # set a seed so that the results are consistent
1 - Build up Deep Neural Network¶
1.1 - Initialization¶
We will initialize the parameters of a DNN using a given layer_dims
array, which specifies the size of each layer, including the input size n_x
and output size n_y
. As to deal with symmetric patterns, we use random initialization for weights and zero initialization for biases.
Given a weigh matrix $W^{\ell}\in \mathbb{R}^{n^{\ell}\times n^{\ell-1}}$, each entry is randomly initialized using an i.i.d. Gaussian distribution: $$ W^{\ell}_{ij}\sim \mathcal{N}(0,1/n^{\ell-1}) $$
Exercise 1:
- The method
array as input - Loop through the array using
stdv * np.random.randn(a.b) + mu
to random initialize weightsparameters['W' + str(l)]
and usingnp.zeros((a,1))
to initialize biasparameters['b' + str(1)]
- Return
as a dictionary containing all weights and biases.
# Initialize weights and biases
def initialize_dnn_parameters(layer_dims):
L = len(layer_dims) # number of layers
parameters = {}
for l in range(1, L):
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
parameters['W' + str(l)] = stdv * np.random.randn(layer_dims[l], layer_dims[l-1]) + mu
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
parameters['b' + str(l)] = np.zeros((layer_dims[l], 1))
return parameters
# Test initialization
n_x = 5
n_h = 4
n_y = 3
layer_dims = [n_x, n_h, n_y]
parameters = initialize_dnn_parameters(layer_dims)
for l in range(1, len(layer_dims)):
print(f"W{l} = \n{parameters['W' + str(l)]}")
print(f"b{l} = \n{parameters['b' + str(l)]}")
W1 = [[ 0.72642933 -0.27358579 -0.23620559 -0.47984616 0.38702206] [-1.0292794 0.78030354 -0.34042208 0.14267862 -0.11152182] [ 0.65387455 -0.92132293 -0.14418936 -0.17175433 0.50703711] [-0.49188633 -0.07711224 -0.39259022 0.01887856 0.26064289]] b1 = [[0.] [0.] [0.] [0.]] W2 = [[-0.55030959 0.57236185 0.45079536 0.25124717] [ 0.45042797 -0.34186393 -0.06144511 -0.46788472] [-0.13394404 0.26517773 -0.34583038 -0.19837676]] b2 = [[0.] [0.] [0.]]
1.2 - Activation Functions and Its Derivatives¶
In the preivous assignment, we implemented sigmoid activaiton function. In this assignment, we will focus on ReLU activaiton: $$ f(x) = \max\{0,x\} $$ and its derivative is given by $$ f^{\prime}(x) = \begin{cases} 1, & x\geq 0\\ 0, & x < 0 \end{cases} $$
Exercise 2:
- We will implement activaiton function in a
form that includes both evaluation inforward()
- Implement
method for ReLU functionclass
is automatically evaluted when ReLU is called. - Implement its
to compute the gradient during backpropagation.
# Define Sigmoid activation function class
class Sigmoid:
def __init__(self):
def forward(self, x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def derivative(self, x):
return self.forward(x) * (1 - self.forward(x))
def __call__(self, x):
return self.forward(x)
# Define ReLU activation function class
class ReLU:
def __init__(self):
def forward(self, x):
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
def derivative(self, x):
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
def __call__(self, x):
return self.forward(x)
# Test the forward and backward (derivative) of ReLU activaiton
x = np.random.randn(10)
print(f"x = \n{x}")
print(f"ReLU(x) = \n{ReLU()(x)}")
print(f"ReLU'(x) = \n{ReLU().derivative(x)}")
x = [-0.6871727 -0.84520564 -0.67124613 -0.0126646 -1.11731035 0.2344157 1.65980218 0.74204416 -0.19183555 -0.88762896] ReLU(x) = [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.2344157 1.65980218 0.74204416 0. 0. ] ReLU'(x) = [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0]
1.3 - Forward Propogation¶
With $A^{0}=X$ and $\hat{Y}=A^{L}$, the forward propagation becomes \begin{align*} &Z^{\ell} = W^{\ell} A^{\ell-1} + b^{\ell},&\forall \ell\in [L]\\ &A^{\ell} =\phi(Z^{\ell}), & \forall \ell\in [L] \end{align*}
Exercies 3:
- Implement a
of DNN that take previous outputA_prev
, weightsW
, biasb
, and activaitonact
as input - The
should perform a linear transform followed by a nonlinear activaiton - Return both the pre-activaiton
and the activationA
def layer(A_prev, W, b, act=ReLU()):
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
A = act(Z)
return A, Z
# Testing the nonlinear layer
num_samples = 5
X = np.random.randn(n_x, num_samples)
Y = np.random.randn(n_y, num_samples)
A_prev = X
W1 = parameters['W1']
b1 = parameters['b1']
A1, Z1 = layer(A_prev, W1, b1)
print(f"Z1 = \n{Z1}")
print(f"A1 = \n{A1}")
Z1 = [[-1.09575907 1.0266851 -0.31827206 -0.3506713 -0.12633385] [ 2.87245507 -1.45533316 0.57223289 0.59096241 -0.70441952] [-2.15866841 0.8461243 -0.40963115 -0.68640041 0.68699072] [ 0.80537242 -0.77691677 0.15346325 0.02594094 -0.07751913]] A1 = [[0. 1.0266851 0. 0. 0. ] [2.87245507 0. 0.57223289 0.59096241 0. ] [0. 0.8461243 0. 0. 0.68699072] [0.80537242 0. 0.15346325 0.02594094 0. ]]
Recall the forward propagation: $$ \begin{align*} &Z^{\ell} = W^{\ell} A^{\ell-1} + b^{\ell},&\forall \ell\in [L]\\ &A^{\ell} =\phi(Z^{\ell}), & \forall \ell\in [L] \end{align*} $$ Using the layer
function, DNNs can be built by staking layer
layer_1 -> layer_2 -> ... -> layer_L
Exercise 4: In this exercise, you will stack multiple layer
operations to build a DNN by implementing the forward_propagation()
- The function
, andact
as inputs - Calculate the number of layers
, since each layer has two parameters: weights and biases - For each layer, retrieve the weights and biases from parameters and apply the
function to propagate forward. - Store intermediate variables
for later use in backpropagation. - At the end, return the final output
and thecache
def forward_propagation(X, parameters, act=ReLU()):
L = len(parameters) // 2 # num of layers
A = X # Initialize A0 with X
caches = {}
caches['A0'] = A # Cache the initial activaiton
for l in range(1, L+1): # including the output layer
A_prev = A
W = parameters['W' + str(l)]
b = parameters['b' + str(l)]
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
caches['Z' + str(l)] = Z
caches['A' + str(l)] = A
return A, caches
# Test forward propagation
A, caches = forward_propagation(X, parameters)
L = len(parameters) // 2
for l in range(1, L+1):
print(f"Z{l} = \n{caches['Z' + str(l)]}")
Z1 = [[-1.09575907 1.0266851 -0.31827206 -0.3506713 -0.12633385] [ 2.87245507 -1.45533316 0.57223289 0.59096241 -0.70441952] [-2.15866841 0.8461243 -0.40963115 -0.68640041 0.68699072] [ 0.80537242 -0.77691677 0.15346325 0.02594094 -0.07751913]] Z2 = [[ 1.84643125 -0.18356575 0.36608149 0.34476193 0.30969223] [-1.35881023 0.41045749 -0.2674289 -0.2141661 -0.04221222] [ 0.60194395 -0.43013384 0.12129988 0.15156399 -0.23758226]]
1.4 Compute the Cost¶
With the output estimate AL
from forward propagation, we compute the cost using the square loss: $$ L(\theta)=\frac{1}{2m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} (a^{L}_i-y_i)^2 = \frac{1}{2m}\|A^{L}-Y\|^2 $$ The compute_cost()
method is implemented in the previous programming assignment and it is copyed here.
def compute_cost(A, Y):
m = Y.shape[1]
cost = np.sum((A - Y) ** 2) / (2 * m)
return cost
# Test the cost
print(f"cost = {compute_cost(A, Y)}")
cost = 1.7072853869205002
1.5 - Backpropagation¶
Using the cache
computed during the forward_propogation()
, we can compute the gradients using backpropogation.
The gradient of the cost with respect to $Z^{L}$ is given by: $$d Z^{L} = \frac{1}{m}( A^{L} - Y) \odot \phi^{\prime}(Z^{L}),$$ Backpropagation for the gradients is then given by $$ \begin{align*} &d W^{\ell} = d Z^{\ell} * A^{(\ell-1) \top},&&\forall \ell\in [L]\\ &d b^{\ell} = d Z^{\ell} * e,&&\forall \ell\in [L]\\ &d Z^{\ell-1} =\phi^{\prime}( Z^{\ell-1}) \odot \left[ W^{(\ell)\top} d Z^{\ell}\right], &&\forall \ell\in [2,3, ..., L]\\ \end{align*} $$ Note that because we don't have $dZ^{0}$, so the backpropogate does not pass $dZ^{\ell-1}$ for the first layer, when $\ell=1$.
Exercise 4: Implement back_propogation()
- The function
takes dataY
, andcaches
as inputs - For each hidden layer, retrieve weights and biases from
, and intermediate variablesZl
- Compute the gradients
, using the formulas provided. - Return the gradients in a variable
def back_propagation(Y, parameters, caches, act_derivative=ReLU().derivative):
L = len(parameters) // 2 # num of layers in DNN
m = Y.shape[1] # num of training samples
grads = {}
ZL = caches['Z' + str(L)]
AL = caches['A' + str(L)]
dZ = (AL - Y) / m * act_derivative(ZL) # Derivative of loss w.r.t. A
for l in reversed(range(1, L+1)):
# Compute the gradients using dZ and A_prev
A_prev = caches['A' + str(l-1)]
### Code here ### (~ 2 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 2 lines of code)
# Store the computed gradients
grads['dW' + str(l)] = dW
grads['db' + str(l)] = db
# Backpropogate dZ
W = parameters['W' + str(l)]
if l > 1:
Z_prev = caches['Z' + str(l - 1)]
dZ = W.T @ dZ * act_derivative(Z_prev)
return grads
# Test the backpropagation()
grads = back_propagation(Y, parameters, caches)
L = len(parameters) // 2
for l in range(1, L+1):
print(f"dW{l} = \n{grads['dW' + str(l)]}")
print(f"db{l} = \n{grads['db' + str(l)]}")
dW1 = [[-0.07100506 -0.00504114 0.01465629 -0.0119815 0.01250615] [-0.1535268 0.2243261 0.06768908 0.00272228 0.07802137] [ 0.02370006 -0.02516877 0.05958518 0.09359966 0.0813598 ] [-0.06098153 0.1461884 -0.00877939 0.06790589 0.06303178]] db1 = [[-0.04195389] [ 0.41779308] [ 0.07912688] [ 0.21442471]] dW2 = [[ 0. 0.60078972 0.11186381 0.11598846] [-0.0956278 0. -0.07880995 0. ] [ 0. -0.15898858 0. -0.05413308]] db2 = [[ 0.93844522] [-0.09314229] [-0.09856997]]
1.6 - Define Deep Neural Networks¶
As we have implemented initialize_dnn_parameters()
, forward_propagation()
, and back_propogation()
, we will combine everthing and define the NeuralNetork()
Exercise 5:
- To define the
class, we will take input sizen_x
, output sizen_y
, and widthn_h
, the depthdepth
, and activaiton functionact
as inputs. - Store these hyperparameters
as attributes of the class - Next, we
DNN by usinginitialize_dnn_parameters()
to randomly initialze the network'sself.parameters
- When the DNN is called, it will automcatically run
using theforward_propogation()
method, and store the intermediate pre-activatios and activaitons along inself.caches
. - The DNN also implements a
method usingback_propogation()
to compute thegrads
and store them intoself.grads
for use in training
Note: for simplicity, we assume each hidden layer has the same width n_h
, but in pratice it can vary based on the learning task
# Define the Neural Network class
class NeuralNetwork:
def __init__(self, n_x, n_y, n_h, depth, act=ReLU()):
self.n_x = n_x
self.n_y = n_y
self.n_h = n_h
self.depth = depth
self.act = act
def initialize(self):
layer_dims = [self.n_x] + [self.n_h] * (self.depth-1) + [self.n_y]
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
def forward(self, X):
self.caches = {}
output, caches = forward_propagation(X, self.parameters, self.act)
self.caches = caches
return output
def backward(self, Y):
self.grads = {}
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
self.grads = grads
def __call__(self, X):
return self.forward(X)
# Test NeuralNetwork and its forward()
network = NeuralNetwork(n_x, n_y, n_h, depth=3, act=Sigmoid())
for l in range(1, network.depth+1):
print(f"W{l} = \n{network.parameters['W' + str(l)]}")
print(f"b{l} = \n{network.parameters['b' + str(l)]}")
A = network(X)
print(f"A = \n{A}")
W1 = [[ 0.08343279 0.18338067 0.08868233 0.05322228 -0.29992929] [ 0.16885166 0.05448013 0.50512056 0.53617238 0.08280447] [-0.16783253 -0.28564892 0.18939243 0.03458753 -0.15377604] [ 0.01949711 -0.27727281 0.31216942 -0.19996197 0.54761649]] b1 = [[0.] [0.] [0.] [0.]] W2 = [[ 0.20174582 0.29678926 -0.54745592 0.08469122] [ 0.37027823 -0.4768503 -0.13310925 0.01630727] [-0.68655866 0.1575797 0.42308032 -0.42975797] [ 0.17527299 -0.65614171 -0.01934775 -0.80788618]] b2 = [[0.] [0.] [0.] [0.]] W3 = [[ 0.56070885 0.20445027 -0.01230848 -0.38758081] [ 0.63687797 0.98355087 -0.92899093 0.61808202] [ 0.81382538 0.16900585 -0.59963402 0.43167266]] b3 = [[0.] [0.] [0.]] A = [[0.5594009 0.56163771 0.56270777 0.55963543 0.56721295] [0.65571946 0.64975006 0.64269171 0.64587559 0.62735589] [0.60243733 0.5987133 0.59506056 0.59312079 0.58729086]]
# Test the backward() method in NeuralNetwork
for l in range(1, network.depth+1):
print(f"dW{l} = \n{network.grads['dW' + str(l)]}")
print(f"db{l} = \n{network.grads['db' + str(l)]}")
dW1 = [[-0.00819391 0.00434696 0.01032395 -0.00024787 0.00653069] [ 0.00220476 -0.00447719 -0.00122303 0.00096706 -0.00096016] [ 0.00773704 -0.00218865 -0.01071998 -0.00014516 -0.00656312] [-0.0032138 -0.00055366 0.00339891 0.00027155 0.00214983]] db1 = [[ 0.01889197] [-0.00765741] [-0.0164768 ] [ 0.00279429]] dW2 = [[ 0.02987019 0.03644857 0.03402445 0.03874588] [ 0.02737154 0.03083942 0.02911464 0.03225519] [-0.02720202 -0.03051821 -0.02837608 -0.03141728] [ 0.01224843 0.0119922 0.01098373 0.01152867]] db2 = [[ 0.0630978 ] [ 0.05643017] [-0.05552861] [ 0.02358812]] dW3 = [[0.06034881 0.053968 0.05274028 0.03386175] [0.09777237 0.09016585 0.08312728 0.0634621 ] [0.03890758 0.03489111 0.03297021 0.02320944]] db3 = [[0.1204913 ] [0.19279404] [0.07642293]]
2 - Optimization Algorithms¶
In this section, we will implement several optimization algorithms that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of training deep neural networks. Using the class
-based approach, we will define various optimizers, such as Gradient Descent, Momentum, RMSProp, and Adam, which will be used to update the network’s weights. Each optimizer class will encapsulate the update rules specific to the algorithm, allowing for flexible and modular integration with the neural network during training.
2.1 - Gradient Descent¶
Gradient descents are performed using the following rule: $$ \theta \leftarrow \theta - \eta d\theta $$ where $\eta>0$ is the learning rate.
Exercise 6: Implemente gradient_descent_step()
- The function takes
, andlearning_rate
as inputs - For each layer, it retrive weights and biases from
, gradients fromgrads
- Update the weights and biases using the gradient descent rule.
- Store the updated weights and biases back into
def gradient_descent_step(parameters, grads, learning_rate):
L = len(parameters) // 2
for l in range(1, L+1):
W, b = parameters['W' + str(l)], parameters['b' + str(l)]
dW, db = grads['dW' + str(l)], grads['db' + str(l)]
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
b -= learning_rate * db
parameters['W' + str(l)] = W
parameters['b' + str(l)] = b
gradient_descent_step(network.parameters, network.grads, learning_rate=0.01)
for l in range(1, network.depth+1):
print(f"W{l} = \n{network.parameters['W' + str(l)]}")
print(f"b{l} = \n{network.parameters['b' + str(l)]}")
W1 = [[ 0.08351473 0.1833372 0.08857909 0.05322476 -0.2999946 ] [ 0.16882961 0.0545249 0.50513279 0.53616271 0.08281407] [-0.1679099 -0.28562704 0.18949963 0.03458898 -0.15371041] [ 0.01952925 -0.27726727 0.31213543 -0.19996469 0.547595 ]] b1 = [[-1.88919658e-04] [ 7.65740929e-05] [ 1.64767984e-04] [-2.79428845e-05]] W2 = [[ 0.20144712 0.29642478 -0.54779617 0.08430376] [ 0.37000451 -0.4771587 -0.1334004 0.01598472] [-0.68628664 0.15788488 0.42336408 -0.4294438 ] [ 0.17515051 -0.65626163 -0.01945759 -0.80800146]] b2 = [[-0.00063098] [-0.0005643 ] [ 0.00055529] [-0.00023588]] W3 = [[ 0.56010537 0.20391059 -0.01283588 -0.38791943] [ 0.63590024 0.98264922 -0.92982221 0.61744739] [ 0.8134363 0.16865694 -0.59996372 0.43144056]] b3 = [[-0.00120491] [-0.00192794] [-0.00076423]]
Next, we can testify the gradient_descent_step
by creating a training for
loop that applies gradient_descent_step()
iteratively to update the network.parameters
over multiple iterations.
learning_rate = 0.1
max_iter = 10
losses = []
for i in range(max_iter):
A = network(X)
losses.append(compute_cost(A, Y))
gradient_descent_step(network.parameters, network.grads, learning_rate)
losses = np.array(losses)
print(f"Losses: \n{losses}")
Losses: [2.24437118 2.23186699 2.21949885 2.20728322 2.19523579 2.18337136 2.17170374 2.16024557 2.14900828 2.13800201]
2.2 - Gradient Descent with Momentum¶
Gradient descent with momentum follows the updated rule: $$ \begin{align} v^{+} =& \beta v + (1-\beta) \nabla L(v)\\ w^{+} =& w - \eta v^{+} \end{align} $$ where $\beta$ is the momentum factor and $\eta$ is the learning rate.
It’s important to note that we cannot simply implement gradient_descent_with_momentum_step()
by passing the network.parameters
and network.grads
. That is because the momentum-based method rely on the historical information, which must be stored across iterations. This requirement also applies to methods like RMSProp and Adam. Therefore, we create an Optimizer()
class, which includes internal variables to store the necessary historical data and can be extended to other optimizers.
- The
class takes an neural networknetwork
as inputs for initialization - It should store the network
as internal variables - It also have a method called
that applies different optimizer step
class Optimizer:
def __init__(self, network, learning_rate):
self.network = network # The entire neural network is passed in
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
def step(self):
raise NotImplementedError("Step method must be implemented in a subclass")
By using this basic class Optimizer
, we can extend it to other optimizers by overriding the step()
method. Let us take implement GradientDescent
as an example.
Exercies 7:
- Inherit
class by usingclass GradientDescent(Optimizer)
- Since
requires no additional inputs, we can omite the__init__()
method - Implement the
using thegradient_descent_step()
class GradientDescent(Optimizer):
# No need to redefine __init__() because it uses the same as Optimizer
def step(self):
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 1 lines of code)
# Test the `GradientDescent` optimizer by using the previous training loop
optimizer = GradientDescent(network, learning_rate = 0.1)
max_iter = 10
losses = []
for i in range(max_iter):
A = network(X)
losses.append(compute_cost(A, Y))
losses = np.array(losses)
print(f"Losses: \n{losses}")
Losses: [2.12723555 2.11671634 2.10645047 2.09644267 2.0866964 2.07721384 2.06799602 2.05904287 2.05035331 2.04192534]
Recall the Gradient descent with momentum update rule: $$ \begin{align} v^{+} =& \beta v + (1-\beta) \nabla L(v)\\ w^{+} =& w - \eta v^{+} \end{align} $$ where $\beta$ is the momentum factor and $\eta$ is the learning rate.
Using the same strategy, we can implement the GradientDescentWithMomentum
Exercise 8
- Unlike plain gradient descent,
requires an additional input: the momentum factorbeta
. So, we will redefine the__init__()
method to include it. - Implement the
method by using GD with momentum formula
class GradientDescentWithMomentum(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, network, learning_rate, beta=0.9):
super().__init__(network, learning_rate)
self.beta = beta
self.velocities = {}
def step(self):
for key in self.network.parameters.keys():
# Get corresponding gradient key: W1 -> dW1, b1 -> db1
grad_key = 'd' + key
# Get the parameter value and gradient value
param = self.network.parameters[key]
grad = self.network.grads[grad_key]
# Initialize velocity if not present
if key not in self.velocities:
self.velocities[key] = np.zeros_like(param)
# Get the previous velocity for this parameter
velocity = self.velocities[key]
# Update the velocity and parameter using the momentum formula
### Code here ### (~ 2 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 2 lines of code)
# Store the updated velocity and parameter back into the neural network
self.velocities[key] = velocity
self.network.parameters[key] = param
optimizer = GradientDescentWithMomentum(network, learning_rate = 0.1, beta=0.8)
max_iter = 10
losses = []
for i in range(max_iter):
A = network(X)
losses.append(compute_cost(A, Y))
losses = np.array(losses)
print(f"Losses: \n{losses}")
Losses: [2.03375613 2.03216316 2.02931359 2.02548826 2.02091931 2.01579704 2.01027639 2.00448266 1.99851656 1.99245847]
2.3 - RMSProp¶
As introduced in the lectures, we can also scale the gradient coordinates to obtain faster convergence. One of the commonly used method is RMSProp
. The update rule is given by
$$ \begin{align} s^{+} =& \beta s + (1-\beta) g^2\\ w^{+} =& w - \eta g/ \sqrt{s^{+}} \end{align} $$ where $\beta$ is the scaling factor.
Using the same strategy we can implement the RMSProp
Exercise 9
- Like
requires an additional input, theRMSProp
also require a scaling factorbeta
, so we also need to redefine the__init__()
method - Implement the
method by using RMSProp formula
class RMSProp(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, network, learning_rate, beta=0.9):
super().__init__(network, learning_rate)
self.beta = beta
self.squared_gradients = {}
def step(self):
for key in self.network.parameters.keys():
# Get corresponding gradient key: W1 -> dW1, b1 -> db1
grad_key = 'd' + key
# Get the parameter value and gradient value
param = self.network.parameters[key]
grad = self.network.grads[grad_key]
# Initialize running average of squared gradients if not present
if key not in self.squared_gradients:
self.squared_gradients[key] = np.zeros_like(param)
# Get the previous squared_gradient for this parameter
squared_gradient = self.squared_gradients[key]
# Update the squared_gradient and parameter using the RMSProp formula
### Code here ### (~ 2 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 2 lines of code)
# Store the updated parameter back into the neural network
self.squared_gradients[key] = squared_gradient
self.network.parameters[key] = param
# Test RMSProp
optimizer = RMSProp(network, learning_rate = 0.1, beta=0.8)
max_iter = 10
losses = []
for i in range(max_iter):
A = network(X)
losses.append(compute_cost(A, Y))
losses = np.array(losses)
print(f"Losses: \n{losses}")
Losses: [1.98637207 1.81473496 1.77935884 1.75574723 1.73123266 1.69885805 1.65468703 1.59739508 1.52794071 1.45044982]
2.4 - Adam¶
Using the same strategy we can implement the Adam
optimizer. The update rules for Adam
are: $$ \begin{align} v^+ = & \beta_1 v + (1-\beta_1) g\\ s^{+} =& \beta_2 s + (1-\beta_2) g^2\\ w^{+} =& w - \eta v^+/ \sqrt{s^{+} + \epsilon } \end{align} $$ where $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$ are momentum and scaling factors, respectively
Exercise 10
- The
optimizer requires two factorsbeta1
, so we also need to redefine the__init__()
method - Implement the
method using Adam formula
class Adam(Optimizer):
def __init__(self, network, learning_rate, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999):
super().__init__(network, learning_rate)
self.beta1 = beta1
self.beta2 = beta2
self.velocities = {}
self.squared_gradients = {}
def step(self):
for key in self.network.parameters.keys():
# Get corresponding gradient key: W1 -> dW1, b1 -> db1
grad_key = 'd' + key
# Get the parameter value and gradient value
param = self.network.parameters[key]
grad = self.network.grads[grad_key]
# Initialize velocity and running average of squared gradients if not present
if key not in self.velocities:
self.velocities[key] = np.zeros_like(param)
if key not in self.squared_gradients:
self.squared_gradients[key] = np.zeros_like(param)
# Get the previous velocity and squared_gradient for this parameter
velocity = self.velocities[key]
squared_gradient = self.squared_gradients[key]
# Update the velocity, squared_gradient, and parameters using the RMSProp formula
### Code here ### (~ 3 lines of code)
### Code here ### (~ 3 lines of code)
# Store the updated parameter back into the neural network
self.velocities[key] = velocity
self.squared_gradients[key] = squared_gradient
self.network.parameters[key] = param
# Test the Adam optimizer using the training loop
optimizer = Adam(network, learning_rate = 0.1, beta1=0.8, beta2=0.9)
max_iter = 10
losses = []
for i in range(max_iter):
A = network(X)
losses.append(compute_cost(A, Y))
losses = np.array(losses)
print(f"Losses: \n{losses}")
Losses: [1.3747617 1.3401749 1.30033804 1.26212976 1.22939172 1.20369176 1.18448922 1.17062461 1.16050343 1.15281649]
3 - Training with Optimizers¶
We will build a general train()
function that takes a model
, an optimizer
, along with X_train
and Y_train
, and returns the losses. We can then plot the losses to observe the convergence behavior.
Additionally, we will test the trained model on X_test
and Y_test
. To improve code efficiency, we will create a train_loop()
function that takes model
, optimizer
, X
, Y
, and a boolean flag evaluate
- If
, thetrain_loop()
performs a training step: the model runsbackward()
to compute gradients andoptimizer.step()
to update the parameters. - If
, thetrain_loop()
evaluates the model onX
without performing backpropagation or updating the parameters.
def train_loop(model, optimizer, X, Y, evaluate=False, print_cost=False):
outputs = model(X)
loss = compute_cost(outputs, Y)
if not evaluate:
return loss
def train(model, optimizer, X_train, Y_train, X_test, Y_test, num_iterations=10, print_cost=False):
train_losses = []
test_losses = []
for i in range(num_iterations):
# Perform training and evaluation every iteration
test_loss = train_loop(model, optimizer, X_test, Y_test, evaluate=True, print_cost=print_cost)
train_loss = train_loop(model, optimizer, X_train, Y_train, evaluate=False, print_cost=print_cost)
# Store both train and test losses
# Optionally print the loss values
if print_cost and i % 10 == 0:
print(f"Train Loss at {i}: {train_loss}; Test Loss at {i}: {test_loss}")
return np.array(train_losses), np.array(test_losses)
network = NeuralNetwork(n_x, n_y, n_h, depth=3)
optimizer = Adam(network, learning_rate = 0.1, beta1=0.8, beta2=0.9)
train_losses, test_losses = train(network, optimizer, X, Y, X, Y, num_iterations=10)
print(f"Train Losses: \n{train_losses}")
print(f"Test Losses: \n{test_losses}")
Train Losses: [1.8452532 1.80712141 1.74078336 1.75232359 1.72123482 1.7096015 1.70552052 1.68568429 1.5995576 1.52332713] Test Losses: [1.8452532 1.80712141 1.74078336 1.75232359 1.72123482 1.7096015 1.70552052 1.68568429 1.5995576 1.52332713]
3.1 - Load Image Dataset: MNIST¶
Let us test your DNN model on the MNIST dataset, which contains images of digits 0
through 9
. For simplicity, we will select only the digits 0
and 1
for binary classification.
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
# Load the MNIST dataset
(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()
# Flatten the 28x28 images into vectors of 784 elements and normalize to [0, 1]
X_train = X_train.reshape(X_train.shape[0], -1).T / 255.0 # Transpose to (in_features, num_samples)
X_test = X_test.reshape(X_test.shape[0], -1).T / 255.0 # Transpose to (in_features, num_samples)
# Select only the samples of class '0' and '1' for binary classification
train_filter = (y_train == 0) | (y_train == 1)
test_filter = (y_test == 0) | (y_test == 1)
X_train_binary = X_train[:, train_filter]
y_train_binary = y_train[train_filter].reshape(1, -1) # Reshape to (1, num_samples)
X_test_binary = X_test[:, test_filter]
y_test_binary = y_test[test_filter].reshape(1, -1) # Reshape to (1, num_samples)
# Verify the shapes
print(f"Training data shape: {X_train_binary.shape}") # Should be (784, num_samples)
print(f"Training labels shape: {y_train_binary.shape}") # Should be (1, num_samples)
print(f"Testing data shape: {X_test_binary.shape}") # Should be (784, num_samples)
print(f"Testing labels shape: {y_test_binary.shape}") # Should be (1, num_samples)
# Print out some example labels to verify
print("Training labels:", np.unique(y_train_binary))
print("Testing labels:", np.unique(y_test_binary))
Training data shape: (784, 12665) Training labels shape: (1, 12665) Testing data shape: (784, 2115) Testing labels shape: (1, 2115) Training labels: [0 1] Testing labels: [0 1]
3.2 Optimizer Comparison¶
In this exercise, we will test different optimization algorithms on a simple neural network trained for binary classification using the MNIST dataset (with digits ‘0’ and ‘1’). The code initializes a neural network with a specified number of input neurons, hidden neurons, output neurons, and depth.
We then experiment with different optimization algorithms, including Gradient Descent and Momentum, to observe their effects on the model’s performance. The code runs each optimizer for a specified number of iterations and records the training and test losses.
The results are plotted to compare how each optimizer influences the convergence of the model. This will help you understand the differences in performance between the optimizers and how they affect the model’s ability to generalize to new data.
# Initialize neural network and optimizer settings
input_size = X_train_binary.shape[0]
hidden_size = 64
output_size = 1
depth = 3
num_iterations = 100
# Dictionary of optimizers and their settings
optimizers = {
"Gradient Descent": lambda net: GradientDescent(net, learning_rate=0.1),
# "Momentum": lambda net: GradientDescentWithMomentum(net, learning_rate=0.9, beta=0.9),
"RMSProp": lambda net: RMSProp(net, learning_rate=0.001, beta=0.9),
# "Adam": lambda net: Adam(net, learning_rate=0.01, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.99)
# Define colors for each optimizer
colors = {
"Gradient Descent": 'b',
# "Momentum": 'k',
"RMSProp": 'r',
# "Adam": 'c'
# Dictionary to store losses for each optimizer
train_losses_dict = {}
test_losses_dict = {}
# Loop through each optimizer, reinitialize the network, and train
for opt_name, optimizer_fn in optimizers.items():
print(f"Training with {opt_name} ...")
mnist_net = NeuralNetwork(input_size, output_size, hidden_size, depth)
optimizer = optimizer_fn(mnist_net)
train_losses, test_losses = train(mnist_net, optimizer, X_train_binary, y_train_binary, X_test_binary, y_test_binary, num_iterations=num_iterations)
train_losses_dict[opt_name] = train_losses
test_losses_dict[opt_name] = test_losses
print(f"Train Losses: {train_losses[-1]:.4f}, Test Losses: {test_losses[-1]:.4f}")
# Plot both training and test losses in the same figure with the same color for each optimizer
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
for opt_name in optimizers.keys():
color = colors[opt_name]
plt.plot(train_losses_dict[opt_name], label=f'{opt_name} Train Loss', linestyle='-', color=color)
plt.plot(test_losses_dict[opt_name], label=f'{opt_name} Test Loss', linestyle='--', color=color)
plt.title("Training and Test Loss Comparison")
Training with Gradient Descent ... Train Losses: 0.0033, Test Losses: 0.0029 Training with RMSProp ... Train Losses: 0.0035, Test Losses: 0.0041
on completing the assignment! You’ve successfully implemented a flexible deep neural network with customizable width and depth, along with advanced optimization algorithms such as Gradient Descent, Momentum, RMSProp and Adam. By exploring these optimizers, you’ve gained valuable insights into their impact on training efficiency and performance. Great work—keep pushing forward as you continue to master deep learning techniques!